Big news. My friend Joe, husband of my friend Carolyn, is going to come on my trip with me. He had expressed an interest in coming to a couple of the 'Stans with me but the timing, logistics and cost did not work for him. So I suggested he come to Borneo! Cheaper, sooner, and he won't have to get from some random city in one 'stan to a different random city in a different 'stan on his own.
He put down the deposit on the tour and booked a flight. So, this is happening. Carolyn has no interest in going anywhere with leeches, let alone spending 30 hours on airplanes to do so, so Joe is coming without her.
You may worry that Joe has signed on for one of my zany adventures without much forewarning. Possibly true but Joe and Carolyn came to Oaxaca when I was there. And I took them on a death defying car ride to see some cacti. It was an excellent side trip and I think Joe appreciated my 'joie de vivre/voyager' vacation habits. This time at least, there will be a professional driver.
Joe is the big news. In smaller news, I got a GREAT deal on bug spray!And my Borneo bird books have arrived and have been thoroughly perused. They do not have every bird in the area, just the interesting Borneo ones. Do I take an Asia Bird Book and all of the added weight that implies? Undecided.